Financial Help for Disabled

According to the statistics, it is found that any American company hires about 15% of employees with disabilities, which are categorized in two groups. The first group includes the employees who identify themselves as differently abled because of a strong physical disability. Whereas the second group consists of those employees who are uncomfortable with disclosing their disability, even though they might have one. Registration can take between three-five business days or as long as two weeks if all steps are not completed in a timely manner. Register for grant opportunities now.Apply Today!!

However, both these groups are an important part of the company's workforce because of their capabilities, intelligence and productivity. However, many a time, they might face some discrimination from the other employees with respect to competition and speed, which is an extremely sensitive issue in our society. It is for each of us to understand, that we are not superior to any individual with a shortcoming. However, it is only human to provide support to those who have a disability if not help! In the paragraphs mentioned below, you will read about few ways you could support the employees with disabilities grants at the work, as that is the least we could do.

Supporting Employees with Disabilities at Work

Employees with a physical disability have all the required abilities for desk jobs, and thus should be put through the same recruitment process as others. However, there are instances where there is some sort of opposition that is created while recruiting them, which can be considered to be a very sensitive social issue. According to the rights given to the employees with disabilities, they are allowed to access the same training programs and growth opportunities as the rest of the employees, if their performance deserves it. To provide them with equal rights as others, we have mentioned a few points on how you can support employees with disabilities in the workplace. Read on and find out!

Don't Discriminate

The first rule for providing the required support to any coworker or employee with disabilities is to treat him/her just like any other normal individual. It is very important to speak to them in an ordinary tone, not stare at them, and socialize with them the same way you would with other employees. Even if you are giving them slightly more attention, a sober reaction to their presence is important, so that they do not feel like an outcast. Segregating them in training programs and while working is also not advised, as this gesture will only make them realize they are not welcome in the society. Treating them equally will boost their confidence and help them succeed in their work.

Provide Opportunities

A number of companies have annual appraisals and promotions depending on the performance of each employee. Employees with disabilities too are eligible for this promotion and should be granted all the necessary perks by evaluating their performance.Discrimination against people with disabilities in the workplace could be considered as a legal crime. Therefore, managements should not discriminate against them by contemplating their physical conditions, instead judge them on the basis of their hard work, experience and skills. They should be provided with equal growth and training opportunities in the fields they want to choose.

Support While Training

Employees with disabilities need special attention and guidance and thus training them could take some patience. While training them for certain services that they are expected to provide, it is important to keep in mind that they could get slow. Therefore, being patient with them, explaining things repetitively and not getting aggressive could be supportive of you as an employer or trainer. Working in a normal environment is already a challenge for them, thus making the workplace a comfortable one could prove to be helpful on your part.

Be a Mentor and Guide

Even though we think it is easy to be normal around employees with disabilities, you cannot ignore their disability. This leads to making these individuals feel awkward, and thus they tend to become loners and appreciate being left alone. However, this is a very unhealthy practice as they require more attention, care, and support than other employees. Building a comfort zone around them, inquiring about their needs, showing concern and affection, and sharing your meals, would surely make them feel one of you. Being a guide and mentor to them and solving their problems, will help them trust you and not give them a feeling of loneliness.

These tips about supporting employees with disability in the workplace, would surely help you be a better person around these people and treat such employees equally. On a more informal note, I would like to say that the only reason we are lucky is, so that we could help the people who aren't. So, make the most of your abilities to support someone in need.
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Thursday, 12 July 2012

Types of Jobs For Convicted Felons

Types of Jobs For Convicted Felons

It's bad enough, having to look for a job given the current economic situation without being convicted of a felony. Getting convicted affects a person all his life, since employers conduct a background check on a person before hiring him. A felony will show up in a background check, and hence, the first rule while hunting for a job is to ensure that one never lies about his conviction. Lawsuits may be filed against an employer in case he is found guilty of negligent hiring. In fact, Federal and State laws require criminal background checks to be conducted (by an employer) for employees required to work with children, disabled and the elderly. Generally, all jobs requiring the prospective employee to interact with customers are subject to rigorous background checks. Hence, a person who has been convicted of a felony will find it difficult to seek employment in such places. However, there are a number of avenues for ex-felons.

The First Few Steps . . . .

As aforementioned, be your true self when dealing with the documentation procedure for job applications. It would have disastrous consequences if you lied on paper and in the actual have a felony to your credit. When on a look out for a job, make sure that you converse with the parole or probation officer. The parole officer, in turn helps you with the preferred requirements. He, finding a suitable opportunity, intimates the ex-felon to attend the screening process for the placement procedure to proceed. It is through the federal government that the states receive grants to aid released prisoners. These grants carry out programs that focus on placing ex-felons, instead of them looking around for jobs. This proves to be a respite, as it becomes increasingly difficult to land-up with a suitable job and a decent pay when one has a felony on record.

Armed Forces

The US Army and Navy have been accepting a number of ex-felons since 2006. The age limit for joining the army is now 42. It was raised from 35 in the year 2006, in order to encourage more people to apply. In order to join the armed forces, an ex-felon would require a waiver from the Secretary of Defense or his Under Secretary. Commanding General of the MILPERCEN generally grants the waivers on behalf of the Secretary. The situation in Iraq has improved to a great extent. This coupled with an economic recession has resulted in a number of people joining the armed forces. A steady paycheck and good training are some of the benefits of joining the army. The number of army recruits with a felony record was 511 in 2007, while the number of marine recruits with felony convictions was 350. Although high school diploma is a requirement for joining the army, in the year 2007 the percentage of non-diploma army recruits was 30%. Hence, a career in the armed forces is a distinct possibility for a person who has been convicted of a felony in the past.

Salvation Army

The Salvation Army runs a prisoner rehabilitation program that encourages former felons to participate in work-release programs, conducted by the Salvation Army rehabilitation centers and Harbor Light Centers. In case a person has been charged with a minor offense, it might be possible for him to work at the community centers. In addition to providing employment, working for the salvation army and serving the community can be a healing and rejuvenating experience in itself.

Online Surveys for Money

This is a lucrative option for people who are interested in earning money by participating in home based online surveys. Paid online surveys are conducted by market research companies interested in forecasting and projecting the demand for products and services of their clients. Typically, a large company employs a market research firm for conducting surveys. The latter does not conduct a background check for convictions and felonies, since there is no need for direct contact between the market research firm and the person taking the survey.

Private Firms Interested in WOTC

Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) is a federal tax credit that is offered to an employer in case he hires an individual convicted of a felony, within a year of conviction or release. Most restaurants make use of this tax credit by hiring ex-felons.

Employer's Protected by the Federal Bonding Program
A fidelity bond guarantees protection to the employer during the first 6 months of employing an ex-felon or a person with a high risk profile. It is provided free of cost to the employer and the employee. They need to fulfill certain basic requirements in order to obtain this facility provided under the Federal Bonding Program. Employers protected by fidelity bonds may be willing to hire ex-felons. The state bonding coordinator should be contacted for further details.

There are a number of jobs for ex-felons who are genuinely interested in improving the quality of their life. Although a conviction stays on record, it does not mean that such a person cannot live a healthy and productive life. In fact, programs like the Prisoner Entrepreneurship Program are aimed at encouraging entrepreneurial abilities in convicted felons to help them better their life.


Tags:jobs for convicted felons in md
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