Financial Help for Disabled

According to the statistics, it is found that any American company hires about 15% of employees with disabilities, which are categorized in two groups. The first group includes the employees who identify themselves as differently abled because of a strong physical disability. Whereas the second group consists of those employees who are uncomfortable with disclosing their disability, even though they might have one. Registration can take between three-five business days or as long as two weeks if all steps are not completed in a timely manner. Register for grant opportunities now.Apply Today!!

However, both these groups are an important part of the company's workforce because of their capabilities, intelligence and productivity. However, many a time, they might face some discrimination from the other employees with respect to competition and speed, which is an extremely sensitive issue in our society. It is for each of us to understand, that we are not superior to any individual with a shortcoming. However, it is only human to provide support to those who have a disability if not help! In the paragraphs mentioned below, you will read about few ways you could support the employees with disabilities grants at the work, as that is the least we could do.

Supporting Employees with Disabilities at Work

Employees with a physical disability have all the required abilities for desk jobs, and thus should be put through the same recruitment process as others. However, there are instances where there is some sort of opposition that is created while recruiting them, which can be considered to be a very sensitive social issue. According to the rights given to the employees with disabilities, they are allowed to access the same training programs and growth opportunities as the rest of the employees, if their performance deserves it. To provide them with equal rights as others, we have mentioned a few points on how you can support employees with disabilities in the workplace. Read on and find out!

Don't Discriminate

The first rule for providing the required support to any coworker or employee with disabilities is to treat him/her just like any other normal individual. It is very important to speak to them in an ordinary tone, not stare at them, and socialize with them the same way you would with other employees. Even if you are giving them slightly more attention, a sober reaction to their presence is important, so that they do not feel like an outcast. Segregating them in training programs and while working is also not advised, as this gesture will only make them realize they are not welcome in the society. Treating them equally will boost their confidence and help them succeed in their work.

Provide Opportunities

A number of companies have annual appraisals and promotions depending on the performance of each employee. Employees with disabilities too are eligible for this promotion and should be granted all the necessary perks by evaluating their performance.Discrimination against people with disabilities in the workplace could be considered as a legal crime. Therefore, managements should not discriminate against them by contemplating their physical conditions, instead judge them on the basis of their hard work, experience and skills. They should be provided with equal growth and training opportunities in the fields they want to choose.

Support While Training

Employees with disabilities need special attention and guidance and thus training them could take some patience. While training them for certain services that they are expected to provide, it is important to keep in mind that they could get slow. Therefore, being patient with them, explaining things repetitively and not getting aggressive could be supportive of you as an employer or trainer. Working in a normal environment is already a challenge for them, thus making the workplace a comfortable one could prove to be helpful on your part.

Be a Mentor and Guide

Even though we think it is easy to be normal around employees with disabilities, you cannot ignore their disability. This leads to making these individuals feel awkward, and thus they tend to become loners and appreciate being left alone. However, this is a very unhealthy practice as they require more attention, care, and support than other employees. Building a comfort zone around them, inquiring about their needs, showing concern and affection, and sharing your meals, would surely make them feel one of you. Being a guide and mentor to them and solving their problems, will help them trust you and not give them a feeling of loneliness.

These tips about supporting employees with disability in the workplace, would surely help you be a better person around these people and treat such employees equally. On a more informal note, I would like to say that the only reason we are lucky is, so that we could help the people who aren't. So, make the most of your abilities to support someone in need.
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Monday, 28 May 2012

Government Progams For The Disabled

Financial Help For Disabled Americans

While most people spend a great deal of time working to succeed in their jobs and careers, few are setting back money in case of a future disability. Disability is something that can happen to anyone. If a person becomes disabled they can receive help from local and state agencies. Social Security is a government agency that can provide financial help.

If a persons disability is severe enough that it is preventing them from carrying out their job responsibilities they may be eligible for Social Security Disability Benefits or Supplemental Security Income. Both provide monthly cash benefits.
The local Department of Family Service can provide emergency food and medical assistance.

In the United States, approximately 50 million people have physical or mental disabilities or impairments that substantially limit major life activities. Studies show that a 20-year-old worker has a 3-in-10 chance of becoming disabled before reaching retirement age.

One misconception about Social Security Disability is that a persons application is always denied the first time. This is untrue, the Social Security Administration has no policy, formula, or regulation that automatically denies every first application for benefits.

If a claim is denied there is legal help available. Make sure to file an appeal immediately and contact an attorney that deals with disability claim denials.
Avoid any online agencies claiming to provide benefits to the disabled for a fee. Never pay money to receive benefits. This is a scam.

Although there are grants for the disabled few people are aware of them, and fewer know where to find them. Disabled individuals should contact the National Council of State Agencies to learn more about down payment housing grants that are available in each state.

Not every state offers down payment grant programs. For example, the Michigan State Housing Development Authority offers mortgage loan programs as well as closing cost and down payment assistance for low to moderately low income families. A neighboring state may not.

The Home Choice Down Payment Assistance Loan is given to disabled participants who fall below 80 percent of the area median income. This loan or grant will eliminate or reduce a client's down payment on a home.

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) federal housing program can help moderate or low-income families with disabilities to buy or rent a home. Section 8 offers subsidies for both renters and homeowners. Approved recipients will have help paying all or part of their monthly mortgage payment.

One in every three disabled Americans is living at or below the poverty level; some are homeless while others are living in horrible conditions. Disabled World is a caring organization that helps the disabled find government down payment grants and mortgage assistance programs.

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Tag: government grant for the disabled, grant money for disable people, how to apply grant for disabled person, apply grant money for disabled

Source: Hubpages

Friday, 18 May 2012

Financial Help for Disabled

Uncle John is a senior citizen who is unable to walk because of a serious road accident few years ago. Initially, the accident was a setback for him, as he found it difficult to go back to work in a private firm. But, after consulting some of his friends and relatives, he came to know that there are many grants and allowances for senior citizens with disability. By applying to one such program, he got his help sanctioned. And today, he is enjoying his life, just as before, with a smile on his face.

Financial aid for people with disabilities is of prime importance, as it can help them live a good lifestyle and fulfill their daily needs. A person can suffer from disability or disabilities, which can be partial or permanent, at any time in his life. In case the condition is quite serious, then that person might not be able to work, as earlier, affecting his income. Considering this need, many governments around the world have come up with government grants as financial help for the differently abled. Let us know about them in the succeeding paragraphs.

Programs to Help People with Disabilities

There are many non-profit organizations which provide financial help for the differently abled without expecting anything in return. Some of these organizations are government controlled, while the rest are promoted by private business houses or wealthy and successful individuals. Every year, these organizations seek contributions from people all round the world, so that they can meet the requirements of people with disabilities. The positive thing is that the response they get from the public is phenomenal, hence, these institutions are functioning efficiently. They have their branches and zonal offices in almost all important cities and hence you can definitely consider contacting them, if you are desperately in need. Another thing to note is that financial help for people with disabilities is completely non-taxable.

Military service veterans can also benefit from the, financial help for the differently abled, programs by the government. Handicapped veterans can take advantage of specially planned housing programs to build their own homes. Severely injured war veterans who have suffered from burns can get full benefit of these housing grants. The U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs does the task of rating these veterans with disabilities by taking into consideration their medical history. The compensation, which is to be given to the veteran, will be decided on the basis of the number of dependents on the veteran. A scheme known as the patriot express loan can be useful for those veterans who have an interest in setting up their own businesses. The lending amount can be as high as five hundred thousand dollars, under this scheme. As compared to loans advanced to other people, the interest rates on such loans would be much less, making repayment much simple. Pension programs for the differently abled can also be greatly beneficial, due to consistent monthly inflow of money. Financial help for veterans has helped many to live life with dignity and pride.

The financial aid programs and help for people with disabilities do not end here. If you have been the differently abled for more than five months, then you can benefit from the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). Special programs for women with disability can help them earn their livelihood as some institutions take up the responsibility of teaching some money-making jobs to them. Financial help for mothers with disabilities in the form of grants and scholarships helps them in bringing up their children in the right spirit. Disability insurance can be received by people of all age groups.

Hopefully, you are satisfied with this content on financial help for people with disabilities. So, if you are a person who needs help, then you should approach the government authorities without any inhibitions. Here, I would like to sign off by wishing you all the best in life and your general well-being!

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Tag: financial help for disabled, grant money for disabled, grant disabled

Source: By Charlie S